Thursday, February 2, 2012

I am not a number

What a crazy crazy week! It's been tough, that's for sure! Chronic illness is never fun but add another passing illness to that and oh boy! I can turn into a crybaby right fast! This time it has been a throat infection which tested negative for strep BUT won't go away without antibiotics. This was given to me by my wonderful 14 year old son. Fever, sore throat, overall just plain awful feeling. Yet life must go on no matter how rotten I feel! It didn't take me long though, after dipping into crybaby poor me mode, to realize that although I might feel poorly, at least I was HERE to feel poorly. Eight years ago things could have gone quite differently for me. My cancer was advanced. My body was weak, anemic. My prognosis.......well I don't know what my prognosis was. I refused to hear this, refused to allow the doctor to tell me this and in fact when my husband asked the surgeon about this I quickly jumped into the conversation and asked him not to answer that question. This information is based on statistics. Statistics are numbers. I am NOT a number. I am a living, breathing, child of God and He alone knows the number of my days. What good would knowing my prognosis do me? I was going to fight with every bit of my might anyhow. I wasn't about to put up less of a fight just because my chances might not be as great as I had hoped. I jumped into this fight with both feet on June 13, 2003 and nothing was going to change that. I look at every day as a gift. I have been given a gift of eight years now. Eight years I might not have had. Eight years for which I am very, very grateful.