Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Another year later.....

Wow! It has been more than a year since I last posted. Apparently I stink at this. BUT it is a new year now and I have new goals and this blog is one of them. I started it originally thinking it might help some families going through this drastic disease, FAP. It affects the whole family and is a lot to deal with. We have had our share of trouble. Almost two years ago my husband and I had to separate for a while. Things just got too tense. I didn't feel well, he couldn't understand this. We agreed to seek counseling. Wonderful things happened then. We began to communicate, to see things from the other's perspective. We went from snarling like wolves every time we saw each other to being able to sit and talk. Anyhow, what does this have to do with my blog?? I still see the counselor, am learning much and one of the things that has been suggested for me is to write. Every day. Every single day. I haven't been doing this. I am going to now. Writing is very cathartic and a wonderful outlet, especially for someone as shy as I.

Health wise, I have had my struggles. Last March I had a GI hemorrhage that landed me in the hospital for 11 days. I lost a lot of blood and had to be transfused with two units of blood. The blood from another person, a person so kind and thoughtful as to donate their own blood, a person to whom I am so eternally grateful and remember in my prayers nightly is flowing through my veins. This unknown person saved my life. God bless them This fall I suffered two abdominal blockages about a month apart. Both resulted in a week in the hospital. The staff knows me by name there now! I have changed my diet to a low fibre diet. So far I have avoided any more blockages but I have put on weight. Okay, so I needed a few pounds. But I don't need as many as I gained so for the first time in a long while I am focused on LOSING weight! This is a GOOD sign! A sign of health that I can gain weight and keep it on. Praise be to God. But now I will need new clothes..........


  1. Hi Wendy! I saw your "revival" message on FB. Glad you are writing. I struggle with the discipline to journal everyday. I do know it helps everytime I sit down and do it. I'll make a deal with you and say that I will keep reading if you keep writing! Glad your experiencing this period of good health and good weight gain! You are in my prayers.
    Leisa Peek Shea ( new marriage~ new name)

  2. Thank you, Leisa. I struggle with the discipline too which is obvious if one looks at the dates of my posts!!! I will do my best to hold up my end of the deal!!!! Thank you for your prayers and right back at you! Congrats on the new marriage!
